WEEK 8 – FEB 20th – FEB 27th, 2010
O V E R A L L C O N D I T I O N S: The week started with good water level. Unfortunately it rained overnight and the river rose and became muddy once again. Weather got better and we could fish again the last two days.
The air temperature was low during the week, from 2 to 12 degrees celcius.
R I V E R C O N D I T I O N S : We could fish the Irigoyen the first day and the last two.. The rest of the week the river was muddy and high. We went to the Malenguena few times.
F I S H I N G : We started the week with dropping water and the fishing was getting good until it rained that night and we found once the river high and muddy the next day. After that we decide to go fishing the Malenguena. We caught some sea trout, nothing over 12 pounds, most of the fish were between 4 to 8 pounds. The last two days we could fish the Irigoyen again and caught some good fish.
Sinking tips ranging from 3 to 6 inches per second used with midsized flies. The size of the fish landed ranged from 4 to 19 pounds.
T O T A L C A T C H E S : Six rods fishing 6 days caught 25 sea trout averaging 8 pounds and the biggest of the week was an 19 pounder.
Far End Rivers Guides.
For more info please contact [email protected]
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