Mads with a chrome!
W E E K – JAN 10 th – JAN17 th, 2009
W E A T H E R C O N D I T I O N : Most of the days had rain followed by overcast weather. The air temperature rounded from 5 to 15 degrees Celcius.
R I V E R C O N D I T I O N S : The water level was normal and was getting lower and clear until we had two full days of continuous rain. The water level rose about 40cm in a very short time.
The week ended with a very big and colored river.
F I S H I N G : Fish kept running up the river and stopping in the main big pools. Most of the catches were in pools that had a lot of logs into the water making the catches more difficult, resulting in a good quantity of fish being lost. After the water rose we didn`t catch any fish until we went to Malenguena river that finally had enough water for the fish to run-up. All of the fish were bright and silver. Sinking tips were used this week, ranging from 2 to 5 inches per second. Mid-sized and small flies were used at the beginning and big and bright flies when the river rose.
Most of the fish were caught during daylight and we did not see a lot of movement in the water at the end of the day.
The size of the fish landed ranged from 5 to 19 pounds.
T O T A L C A T C H E S : Three rods fishing six days caught 24 sea trout averaging 8 pounds and four of them over 16 pounds, which were the biggest of the week.
Far End Rivers Guides.
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