Migratory Brown in May MIgratory Rainbow in May
During May at the Limay, you can expect both Rainbows and Browns to be running in from Nahuel Huapi Lake. Every day that the wind it’s over 30 miles/h or 50 km/h you can see big schools of Trout going down from the lake. During their way downstream they spread along the 60 Kilometers of water of the first section before the Alicura reservoir. We’ve never seen this behavior linked with the wind anywhere else. March and April are good months to search for big Browns but in May, most of the Browns are already in the River and it’s time for the Rainbows to get in. We usually start seeing them on the first week of May, increasing numbers towards the end of the month. It not unusual to be swinging flies and when hooking a fish, being difficult to know if it’s a brown or a Rainbow what you are bringing in, until it’s close enough to see it!!!. It’s fascinating to see that these two species can hold in the exact same spots.
Both Trouts in the captions were caught in the same place and day!
Experience it yourself!!
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