fat chromer from the Irigoyen
W E E K 4 – JAN 24th – JAN 30th
W E A T H E R C O N D I T I O N S : Sunny conditions most of the week. We had temperatures between 10 and 16 degrees. Some days with very strong wind but we managed to fish.
R I V E R C O N D I T I O N S: Water level was normal again. The river was very clear and had a good amount of flow. We did`t have big changes in level this week. The water temperature was good, from 8º Celsius to 13º Celsius
F I S H I N G: The fishing got really tough the first two days. We think that the fish was really spooky and not active at all after they went back to their holding pools. We did try everything, fishing all kind of depths and flies, from early morning to late night. At one point some of the guides had doubts that the fish that we saw and caught the week before was still in the river. After some days very tough fishing we started to see and catch fish again. I have to say that Sea trout fishing in this river is very unpredictable and strange without any pattern to hold on to.
Again we started to catch fish mostly at the end of the session with almost no sun light but still the numbers were pretty bad.
Multi tip lines, from floating to type 6 where used, as I said we tried everything.
Fish from 4 to 21 pounds were landed.
T O T A L C A T C H E S : SIX rods fishing 6 days caught 35 sea trouts averaging 10,4 pounds and ONE of them over 20 pounds. The biggest of the week was an 21 pounder.
Far End Rivers Guides
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