Prime Availability – Patagonia and Kola Peninsula
It’s never too early to plan your escape from the northern hemisphere winter. In this issue, you’ll find our handpicked primetime Patagonia availability, as well as a screaming last-minute deal for Kola Atlantic Salmon this July.
Deep inside the Chilean Fjords
Austral Kings is the only destination in Patagonia focused exclusively on King Salmon on the fly. Deep inside the Chilean fjords, you´ll find the perfect combination of good fly water, striking scenery, and robust salmon runs. As the operators and founders, we´re pleased to offer our availability for the upcoming season. We still have primes prime spots available, don’s miss it out!!
Availability and rates (single tent).
February 4th to 11th – 2 rods Available
February 11th to 18th 2 rods Available
March 4th to 11th – 4 rods Available
5,530 U$D p/person, 7 night / 6 day package.
Lake district
After a long Patagonian winter, trout can be hungrier and more aggressive than ever. Streamer aficionados should mark their calendars for November as a prime time for chasing big fish in our exclusive luxury villas in Bariloche.
Available Dates:
November 24th – December 1st
December 1st – 8th
March 30th – April 6th
April 6th – 13th
Rates From : 2,900 p/person, 7 days/6 nights Package.
BELOUSIHA RIVER LODGE – Last minute cancellations –
Kola Peninsula, Russia.

Belousiha River Lodge has access to the
Voronya River and its smaller tributary, the
Belousiha River, where fishermen share over 20 km of private water with only 7 other anglers and fish a wide variety of water. It’s the most convenient Atlantic Salmon available in the market.
Availability and Price (double basis):
July 27th to August 3rd, 2018 – 2 rods available –
2400€ p/person 7days/6 nights package.
June 15th to 22nd, 2018 – 1 rod available –
2625€ p/person 7days/6 nights package.
Why Choose Faraway Fly Fishing?
Our team of passionate guides and anglers have spent years exploring Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile in search of the best fly fishing in South America. Most of us are born and raised in Patagonia, and we’ve organized trips for hundreds of satisfied guests from around the world. We’ve also produced the DIY guidebook: Fly Fishing in Patagonia: A Trout Bum’s Guide to Argentina.
What does this mean for you? World-class fishing, hand-picked destinations, and unparalleled expertise. And it’s all 100% free. You never pay more than booking direct.
– The Faraway Team
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