W E E K 3 – JAN 17 – JAN 24
W E A T H E R C O N D I T I O N S : Rainy the first two days and after that the weather got better. We had temperatures between 8 and 16 degrees. Some days with wind but fishable.
R I V E R C O N D I T I O N S: Water level was very high and muddy starting the week. The river was unfishable for two days, logs and all kind of things were floating down the river, trough out the days the river got lower and slightly clearer.
F I S H I N G: Unfishable the first two days. That made us go to Malenguena river again and we had the fortune to catch few fish there.
The fishing got better in Irigoyen after the river started flowing slower and the water was clearer. Excellent catching in the lower and middle section, we also caught some fish in the upper section. The fish was really spread and on the move so we could catch a lot of them.
Multi-tip lines, from floating to type 3 were used, depending on the temperature of the water and water level. We got almost 20 fish on dries! It was really amazing to see huge fish coming up for the Titanic.
Fish from 4 to 24 pounds were landed. ONE STEELHEAD WAS CAUGHT IN THE IRIGOYEN RIVER!!.
T O T A L C A T C H E S : seven rods fishing 6 days caught 64 sea trouts averaging 9,5 pounds and two of them over 20 pounds. The biggest of the week was an incredible 23 pounds.
Far End Rivers Guides
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